Translation and Interpretation
We depend on a team of professional translators, proofreading experts and academic linguists with long experience in the field of translation and editing. Each has at least twenty years of experience. We are able to achieve any upcoming projects to introduce Arab readers with important books from different cultural areas. Our specialists have the ability of translation and interpretation from the following languages Russian, Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, English, German, French, Norwegian, Slovak, Czech, Swedish, Danish, Latvian, Dutch and Flemish to Arabic and vice a versa.
Assessment translation quality
We define a high-quality translation as “one that captures the meaning of the original text and is appropriately worded, free from error and internally consistent”.
This identifies the 4 standards needed for a translation to be high-quality:
1 – Equivalence of meaning
2 – Appropriate wording/expression
3 – No mistakes
4 – Fully consistent
We assess a translation’s quality by seeing if it meets these four criteria. So we could answer the following questions:
– Does it capture the meaning of the original?
– Does it read like it should?
– Are there any grammatical or spelling mistakes?
– Has it handled everything consistently?
During assessment process we focus on:
Comprehension of target language:
• Content
• Style
• In general
Translation difficulties:
• Translation too literal?
• Translation too free?
• Differences in register? (Does the style sound authentic or not?)
• Omissions?
• Has the source language’s sentence structure been preserved if possible?
• Realia (culture-specific elements)?
Knowledge of the target language:
How do we judge:
a. Style
b. Grammar
c. Idiomatic knowledge
d. Spelling
e. Punctuation
Overall judgement:
Advice to the translator:
Regarding the above mentioned points, for example: Tenses. Accuracy and culture specific references, Punctuation, Omissions.
Low prices in the field of translation (proofreading, evaluation, etc.) means low work quality. There are many translation’s companies in the Arabic world accepting low prices, but usually most of them work on small translation projects and rarely deal with books.
To Apply For A Project, Please Contact Us Using This submission Form.